Noel Hefele Pictures of You Painting Show, Tugboat Tea Company July 2013

“Pictures of You” – a painting show opening July 11th 2013 @6pm

As part of the PLG Arts Local Artist Series @ Tugboat Tea Company, 546 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn. Join us later the same evening for Jazz at Inkwell Jazz-Comedy club. See for further details!

I hope you will join me for an opening of a my solo painting show at Tugboat Tea Company in Brooklyn. Openings are the best, you get a bunch of people together to talk, drink wine and eat cheese, while looking at art. I have a handful of new paintings on display. A few old favorites as well!

Are you on facebook? RSVP here. And bring your friends!

I consistently try not to see the world as Nature and Culture or subject and object, but as a unified field of relationships. Dualism is an over simplification that can be harmful to our current ecological condition—when we view the non-human world as objects, it is a precursor for abusing that world as well as divorcing our self from any responsibility for our planetary impact. We are not the sole subject of the narrative of Earth. Our landscapes are woven with the stories, trajectories and agencies of human, animal, plant, mineral, idea and thing. We have a dependence on this landscape of things, alive and material, which in turn is dependent on us.

‘Pictures of You’ refers to the permeability of the self when taking this view. Where does the individual end? We are the landscape we live in. You live here? I painted you. My work is a collaboration with landscape in order to produce affects in myself and others, aesthetically and emotionally reconfiguring ways of seeing the world.